
£1.99 GBP
por mês
5GB Account Storage,
Unlimited Add on Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Forwards & Auto responders
Unlimited Catch all email Included
Jet Backups Included Free of charge and backs up to Wasabi Storage

10Gb Hosting

£3.75 GBP
por mês
10GB Account Storage,
Unlimited Add on Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Forwards & Auto responders
Unlimited Catch all email Included
Jet Backups Included Free of charge and backs up to Wasabi Storage

25Gb Hosting

£5.00 GBP
por mês
25GB Account Storage,
Unlimited Add on Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Forwards & Auto responders
Unlimited Catch all email Included
Jet Backups Included Free of charge and backs up to Wasabi Storage

50Gb Hosting

£6.50 GBP
por mês
50GB Account Storage,
Unlimited Add on Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Forwards & Auto responders
Catch all email Included
Jet Backups Included Free of charge and backs up to Wasabi Storage